Thursday, June 9, 2011

Chicago Law Firm Settles $750,000 Medical Malpractice Lawsuit

Sean C. Burke of Burke & O'Brien settled a medical malpractice claim on behalf of 46-year old woman who was injured in 2003 when her pain management doctor struck a nerve in her left leg during surgery.  The surgery was supposed to correct the woman's long-standing low back and right leg pain. 

The doctor made two critical mistakes.  First, the doctor gave the patient general anesthesia knocking out the patient.  During the surgery, the patient could not warn the doctor when the doctor came into contact with the nerve.  Second, the doctor inserted the surgery needle into the patient's left side even though the patient's pain was on the right.  The doctor's wrong-sided approach put the patient's left leg at risk for unnecessary injury. 

The nerve injury has left the woman with altered sensation and permanent pain in her left leg.  She needs a cane to walk.  She was forced her to quit her job in 2003 and cannot return to work. 


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